Im so excited to finally start teaching vedic astrology in a series of ongoing zoom classes! Jyotish was meant to be learned orally, in a personal way. It was meant to be learned with a teacher one can ask questions to. These study groups will be able to afford astrology students that luxury, and for an affordable price. For years I have done one on one tutoring with serious students, but these days I dont have as much time to do that. This way I can teach a number of students orally and at a personal level, and actually make it even cheaper for the students in the long run.
These will be an ongoing series of classes (Lord willing) and each class will build upon the previous ones, so it will be best to start with the first class and work your way through them, even if you are joining way after this first class, which will be the case for most students.
Many astrologers who have studied for years will still find these beginning classes to be very crucial, as even the foundations of jyotish are often misunderstood in today’s day. Without the input of a more experienced teacher one can waddle around for years trying to sort out or make any sense of astrology, and the internet often makes it even more confusing. Astrology was always meant to be studied with a teacher. It does not mean they have to take you by the hand, but they can certainly speed up your learning process.
The first class will be June 17th, 2021, at 11:15 AM, EDT time. If you are not able to attend the live class you will still get a copy of the recording and any relevant pdfs, links, or other material the rest of the class gets.
Each class will be 1.5-2 hrs long, and will start with a new lesson, technique, or principle. Then we will practice them and I will share examples and answer questions on it. Then we take a short 5 minute break, and return with another technique or principle, and open the floor up for a Q and A style dialogue.
This first class will be focused on how to reach a birth chart itself, and what each component of the birth chart is used for. So we will touch on signs, houses, grahas, and many basic terms one will come across, and what they mean in plain english, and where they fit into reading charts, what they are used for, etc.
To Join The Group:
All you have to do to join the group is make the payment as directed below, and then send me an email to corey@eyeoftheveda.com and title it “Jyotish Study Group”, and tell me which method you paid with. This way I have your email address and will have it on the list of invites to send out when the zoom class begins. Then about 10 minutes before class starts you can expect to get a zoom invite to our class, and you are good to go.
Fee: $19 USD, if paying through Paypal, $15 USD if paying thru Venmo, or $10 if paying with cryptocurrency.
Paying with Paypal or Venmo:
If paying with paypal simply click this link below, and follow the steps provided. When that goes through you are on the list!
If paying with Venmo, just send money to this address, and if it asks for my phone number just press the “skip” button, I dont know why they ask that because its not required.
Venmo: CoreyDowds1
Paying with Crypto: This is preferred so I offer a small discount for that option, and it also enables anyone on the planet to be able to purchase these classes. The easiest way to pay with crypto is if you have coinbase. (If you dont have that just scroll further down.)
Coinbase Users: If you use your desktop coinbase exchange account, you can now send me coins instantly with no fee, and to send it to me all you need is my email. The email to send to is coreydowds@gmail.com, and thats all you need to have. This is done internally through coinbase and doesnt even require the blockchain so its also instant, and thats why it requires no fee. You can send any of the top coins on coinbase at that time. You cannot send me partial payments in different coins. Just send me it all in one coin.
Coinbase email: Coreydowds@gmail.com
The other option is to send crypto to one of my wallet addresses listed below. Then all you have to do is send me an email letting me know which coin you paid with, and first few letters of the address. Then I will have you on the lineup. As long as I have an email from you I will have somewhere to send the zoom invite, and you will get the class link just 10 minutes before it starts.
Crypto Wallet Address (For Non-Coinbase Users simple wallet to wallet transfer)
Send crypto to one of the wallet addresses I list below, and then when you write me your email, mention what coin you paid with and give the first couple digits of the crypto wallet address. That way I know it was you. When that goes through you are on the lineup and can expect a zoom invite link just 10 minutes before the class.
BITCOIN ADDRESS: bc1q5hymjshyquel6x03yk924qyfh8pf0f3kzmzpz7
ETHEREUM ADDRESS: 0x5B23AAd2Ea4CD16282E0E587E32f669922E5bbA9
LITECOIN ADDRESS: ltc1q4xrhl5n004wlj5fzfj5223z5898xwth7ty987a
Stellar (XLM) ADDRESS:
NOTE: If you have any questions about this, feel free to send me an email. The crypto payment can be daunting for first time users so just send cash if you are not comfortable with it, and I am not a tech expert and wont have time to answer questions about that aspect of this. But it is there as an option.
(I am getting a lot of emails about this service and am trying to streamline it as much as possible. All you have to do is make the payment, include your email address in the note, and you can be sure you will be on the list. So if I dont get time to write you back or anything, just know that you will be on there if you follow the protocol and I look forward to seeing you there!!!)