Category Archives: divination

Interviewing Laura Barat on Solar Return Charts AKA Varshaphala

I recently have been very fascinated with the solar return system of astrology called Varshaphala. In Sanskrit the word Varsha can be defined as “year” and phala means “fruits”, so Varshaphala is the system that shows us the “fruits of the year”. I interviewed Laura Barat who has been practicing this ancient system of astrology for over 12 years and has recently taught a course on it.

It is based on the exact moment that the sun goes back to its original degree and minutes that it was at when you were born at the exact place that you were born. We cast a chart for that moment each year , which is not always on your birthday because of the nature of the modern gregorian calendar, but it is usually on the day before, of, or after your birthday. So each year at that exact moment of the Sun returning to its place where it was when you were born, you cast a chart for it. This chart is therefore unique each year, and so you get a completely unique and different chart for each year, and this system works great for predictions.

There is an entirely unique system of techniques that has developed for just this purpose of divining the state of affairs for each year. It was used for Royalty when normal birth chart astrology got too complicated. Check out this interview for great tips on how to read your yearly varshaphala chart

And in part 2 she gives a lot of different examples. I learned a lot here as she was giving chart analysis of Serena Williams, Brad Pitt, Princess Diana, Steve Jobs, and even my own chart as well.

Free Course on Omens in Astrology

Astrology itself is just one big system of omen reading. It is the greatest system of omen reading in that we can calculate the past and future with it, and it has a more objective quality than just cards and watching animals in nature. It can get more detailed than other systems like card reading. But sometimes we do not need to get so detailed, and so all jyotishis must be at least somewhat familiar with nimmita, the art of reading omens.

I have composed a short series of videos with examples of how I have read animal omens in life and during readings in order to answer questions. This is useful and fun and an enriching thing to know. We do not always have to stare at the chart, sometimes just looking up and observing nature will help do the trick.


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Why Scientists Should Study Horary Astrology

Prashna is a method of divination that uses the position of the planets at the moment a question is asked to the Astrologer.  By studying the chart of the heavens above, one gains special insight on the coinciding situations happening down below on Earth.  This system was also used in the in Persian, Hellenistic, and Medieval Western Astrological traditions as well as in India.  The North Indian Tajika system of Prashna is, in fact, a more perfectly preserved version of the exact same system as used in Persia many centuries ago. Tajika itself even refers to a region of Persia known as Tajikistan, so there should be no misunderstanding here.  It is really a wonderful thing that this system has been preserved and was not lost completely to time, like much of the western and eastern astrological traditions.

Please enjoy this two-part video series on Prashna, and why scientists would actually appreciate and, dare I say, want to begin to consider looking at this very intricate system of divination.

In this first part, I elaborate on what “Prashna” means, and how it works.  It gives an objective yes or no answer to questions, which should be appreciated. Too often Astrology is ignored because people think it cannot offer objective answers to questions, but rather think it only offers vague statements about our psychological states that anyone could relate to at some point in life. That is a misnomer.

In part 2, I give some actual examples of how I have used Prashna in my own personal life to answer very practical and useful questions, such as where a lost object is, and if I will find it or not.

Please enjoy these videos, and subscribe to keep updated on more to come. I have a lot of interesting videos planned for the future, so stay tuned!

(Also, forgive me for the low production value at present. I just began to make videos, but in time the audio and editing will improve.  I know they are not the best quality videos on youtube for astrology at present, but I hope you can appreciate the content nonetheless.)