Category Archives: north node astrology

Astrologer Predicting Respiratory Issues For Asia In 2020, Back In 2019 (COVID Update)

Hi and welcome back to the Eye of the Veda blog.  This is Kelley, an Astrology Apprentice and student of Corey’s.  Today, I’ll be highlighting some of his recent predictions surrounding the eclipse cycles of 2020.  They were all incredibly accurate and specific;  so much so, that I wanted to do a follow-up blog post to show the benefit and power behind using Vedic Astrology correctly.

For example, in December 2019, Corey spoke about the potential for severe economic turmoil as well as inflammatory-related health issues;  long before Coronavirus even hit the news in the U.S.

In fact, in a short and casual Facebook post that Corey shared with friends and family, he specifically predicted that these planetary influences will cause economic and health-related issues that will impact Asia the most (remember the Coronavirus ‘started’ in China).  He also touched on the fact that the Moon rules the respiratory system, and the North Node of the Moon (Rahu), rules viruses.

He wrote this on December 28th, 2019 at 10:06 AM:[0]=68.ARC4COBjcd4im91585TVWZ0s-56kvqvwNCBwpqfsMJVEd68snh8SCpHmzuCuSuqgyF-iX4Xn0Xd-u4TCv8vgDl2xW8JgUDqApajw5fgSnKI3mVCBzQGCK65HgYKGboHQtra_2qEURqOWNSrWgocRWJzxThS–Q6VKfjRpHo6ZizPUUVR6mYxsi0ehdZk90ctsLEqOrYhTpOdw9ZjnE2wrY__N9hhbmkBN0ee2P4bghJrcCceqzbapy2jKw8VgYE01-unimDp7_5qSPO1tyk3BFBJKx5lnIzkSTuG3T7U7AVL0EyvoxrLpyBUIkgrxVy9euC8kKpoKQggR2iPUVZeoA&__tn__=-R
Here is the link, below is a screenshot in case this is ever deleted from Facebook.

I also remember Corey telling me how bad these eclipses could be when he was reiterating what his teacher, Ernst Wilhelm, had explained to him back in November 2017.  When the virus first hit the U.S., I also remember Corey saying he had a month worth of rice and beans already stored because he had been so aware of the major changes that were on the way.

  “My teacher told me and others back in 2017 how bad this (Jan 2020) eclipse was going to be, and how it was going to cause major economic and survival issues for the planet.  So I knew what was coming and I already had a month worth of beans and rice on hand for this winter because I was quite certain major changes were going to take place as a result of these eclipses in the changeable signs of Cancer and Capricorn.”  —Corey Dowds

So let’s circle back for anyone who doesn’t already see the connections: The Moon rules the Respiratory, Urinary, and Circulatory systems.  The Moon also controls the flow of the tides on our planet in the same way it controls the flow of water within our own bodies.  The Coronavirus is considered to be a “wet” virus, and is believed to primarily impact the lungs and respiratory system.  As mentioned earlier, the Moon rules the lungs / respiratory system, and is coincidentally the wettest planet of all.  The transit of Rahu (Viruses) over Cancer, the sign of the Moon, along with all the other bad health and disease indications of this eclipse made it very likely that some sort of widespread inflammatory respiratory issue would occur.

In the post, Corey also mentioned swelling and issues related to water retention (the primary symptoms the Coronavirus is causing ie: inflammation of the lungs).  He also specifically stated that the respiratory system was targeted at this time and that “issues could occur around that system.”

The eclipses here will bring water and flooding issues. Also in a medical sense more people may have water retention issues, swelling, constipation, or issues with the blood flow and water in the body. The Moon rules the circulatory/urinary/respiratory system, issues could occur around that system.” – Corey Dowds

The Moon is said to rule over swelling and inflammation to some degree, as it moves the tides of the earth, and appears to “swell” and grow half of the month, and then receded and wane the other half. He explained that this was known in ancient times even:

“These characteristics of the Moon were known even in ancient times when Hippocrates clearly stated that no one should conduct surgery on a part of the body that is ruled by the sign of the zodiac that the Moon is transiting.  This is because wherever the Moon is transiting is likely to be more swollen because more blood flow will be circulating to that body part at that time.  Going through with surgeries under these transits is likely to increase the amount of blood loss and possible complications than at another time.” -Corey Dowds

So we already have a historical precedent for the Moon and its ability to cause swelling and inflammation, especially when afflicted, or during an eclipse time.  This is EXACTLY what COVID-19 causes according to WebMD:  “The new coronavirus can infect the upper or lower part of your respiratory tract.  It travels down your airways. The lining can become irritated and inflamed.”  SOURCE:  WebMD Medical Reference Reviewed by Neha Pathak, MD on March 25, 2020

As previously mentioned, it is well known how Rahu (North Node of the Moon) rules viruses…. a commonly known fact in Vedic and Medical Astrology.  Cancer, being ruled by the Moon, is the zodiac sign connected to the lungs and respiratory system.  So when Rahu crossed Cancer, planet earth was scheduled to have a lung / respiratory-related virus emerge. 

It’s also interesting how Corey highlighted Capricorn as being ruled by the planet Saturn, and how that connects to the muscular and lymphatic systems, both ruled by Saturn.  As a result of the Coronavirus, much of the world was forced into a total lockdown/quarantine.  So in relation to the Capricorn/Saturn reference, the entire planet did end up feeling rather cooped up and isolated as a result of these eclipses, just as expected.  The planet Saturn rules death, disease, loss, poverty, poor health, wandering, depression, delays, despondency, and feeling stuck in life. 

This was the advice that the CDC was giving to people: “Try to take a walk, try to maintain your routine and not forget to exercise while you are in the lockdown, etc.”  which is the exact advice Corey gave (using Vedic Astrology), an impressive 6 months earlier. 

In hindsight, another interesting point is how Saturn rules isolation, and this eclipse created a lot of isolation for people, among many other things that Saturn rules.  Corey pointed out that almost all of the planets were in signs ruled by Saturn when we had the eclipse in January 2020….. as a result, many of Saturn’s significations dominated the collective world this year.   

As for the economic crisis…. Corey had previously mentioned his teacher, Ernst Wilhelm, having already forecasted dire economic issues for the world in 2020.  Ernst said this way back in 2017, while Corey and a few other astrologers were hanging out in Ernst’s living room enjoying a giant salad.  With that in mind, look at what Corey wrote on the Eye of the Veda blog on November 25th, 2019, long before the economic crash of 2020: 

(That’s a link to the previous blog post, but here is a screenshot so you can see it more clearly in your browser window, or in case it ever gets deleted.)

Literally, the first thing he said is that these upcoming eclipses are going to cause world-changing events and major economic shifts…..  “There could be economic or survival threats…” 

(Note: Corey chose not to elaborate on this too much as it was already predicted by so many other astrologers. Even one of his colleagues, Ganesh Jayakumar, predicted the major economic crisis down to the exact months of February and March of 2020.  He forecasted this on a forum in 2017:  Click here to read more about that from Ganesha’s website.) 

In is blog post from November of 2019, Corey also pointed out how major long term changes are likely to occur during this time period as a result of the strong emphasis on the ‘cara’ or changeable signs.  He also mentions how many of these big worldly structures and systems that rule us, will be hit with a long-overdue reality check.  

Think about how much faith we have lost in our worldly structures and systems over the last several months.  Faith and trust in the mainstream media continues to decline tremendously, as well as in the modern medical world as more stories of corruption and for-profit caregiving surface.  Countless celebrities and elite figures have also taken a fall this year;  so many that it would require an entire additional post to cover them all.  A few worth mentioning though would be:  Ellen Degeneres, Madonna, Prince Andrew, Harvey Weinstein, and Ghislaine Maxwell.

Let’s focus on Ellen for example, who has had this eclipse falling in her first and seventh house axis, as a Cancer lagna. The first house is the house of the self, and the seventh is the house of other-selves, and hence the public and one’s public image. It certainly seems her public image has been “eclipsed” over the last year.

SOURCE:  ‘Why 2020 Has Been the Year of Backlash Against Ellen DeGeneres’ by Libby Torres;  Published Aug 5, 2020, 9:42 AM

Apparently, Ellen has been called one of the “meanest people alive” and a Twitter thread about this received over 2,000 responses.  I wanted to highlight this because in his eclipse prediction video, Corey explains how the sign of Capricorn rules the elite…. but even more interestingly, it is Saturn who rules Capricorn, and Saturn is the planet who rules the masses and common folk.  It is always the people/common folk that actually empower and support the rulers.  As current events unfold, it seems many more people are beginning to realize that the elite cannot remain in power without the support and cooperation of the masses.  There is an underlying theme of using unity to overcome and take down corrupt Capricorn figures both on the entertainment and government platforms.  Ellen, who had her house burglarized over the 4th of July weekend, is just one quick example of Saturn responding.

SOURCE:  ‘Ellen DeGeneres and Portia de Rossi’s Montecito Mansion was BURGLARIZED Over the 4th of July Holiday’ by Brian Gallagher for;  Published: 18:14 EDT, 23 July 2020; Updated: 08:11 EDT, 24 July 2020

Cancer is also the sign of one’s dwelling space and home, and is Ellen’s first house, where the eclipse occurred. We had a Lunar eclipse on July 5th, one day after the fourth of July, the day Ellen’s home was robbed. (It is also worth noting that Ghislaine Maxwell was also indicted within a few days of this eclipse, but that require another article to properly address.)

The first and seventh houses are the houses of the self, (1st) and the other self (7th) aka the public. One’s overall popularity can have a lot to do with the seventh house. With the eclipses in these parts of her chart, she has lost her power to influence the public during this eclipse.

“They say when Saturn is happy with you, he makes your name remembered for a very long time. They say if Saturn is unhappy with you and the karmas you have been performing, he destroys any trace of your existence from the world.  It appears that Saturn has been busy with what I refer to in this video as a changing of the guard(s).” —Corey Dowds

With this eclipse, Saturn has been busy ‘dethroning’ all of the elite figures who are not karmically meant to remain in their position for the next 30-year cycle of Saturn.  We have seen this with numerous CEO resignations, and we have seen this with high-level people finally being sentenced to prison in the case of Harvey Weinstein.   

To be continued….

Rahu and Ketu Transiting the 12 houses

800px-KetuRahu and Ketu are one of the most important long-term transits to take note of. When we talk of transits, we must remember that they only give the fruits of what your chart already shows. For example, if there are very little wealth yogas in your chart, a lucky transit for wealth will simply not deliver the same amount of money as it would for a very rich person who has a lot of wealth yogas in their chart. This simply means that the rich person put more effort into this area of life in a past incarnation, and deserves the greater fruits of wealth as a result. The person with few wealth yogas overall and a chart that shows they need to work hard to accumulate wealth is simply not meant to have lots of money come from a transit, no matter how great it is. This factor is not often stated by astrologers or in horoscopes, and ignorance of it leads to a greater misunderstanding of astrology itself.

With that said, here are some of the results that Rahu and Ketu can give as they transit the 12 houses, but always keep your own birth chart in mind and factor that in with the outcome.

Rahu through the 1st house/Ketu through the 7th: 

This can be a time of confusion for a person about how to best move forward in life. Ketu transiting the 7th can indicate that one has been over-focused on enjoying life or on social aspects of life. The 7th being furthest from the 1st, there is a need to shift attention back to one’s self and to pay more attention to self-development. Sometimes this can mean also to focus more on one’s health if other parts of the chart show that. Ketu crossing the 7th can give breakups to long-lasting relationships, and abrupt changes with one’s relationships or ways of going about them.

Rahu through 2nd house/Ketu through the 8th house:

Rahu moving through the 2nd bhava shows the need to focus more on the earning capacity and there is often a need to bring in more money that somehow arises during this transit. Ketu through the 8th can give a sense of lack of support from relationships that were previously going fine, which often cause the native to shift back attention to supporting themselves more at this time.

Rahu passing over the 3rd/Ketu moving through the 9th:

When Ketu is crossing the 9th house one finds themselves less comfortable within the culture that they live or around the teachers and guides they are finding in life. Rahu in the 3rd is pointing to a need to update one’s own experience of life and one’s own understanding based on their own intellect and not that of another. It is a good time to explore curiosities and hobbies that one has been putting off. A good time to learn a new skill.

Rahu moving through the 4th/Ketu through the 10th:

This can cause one to be much more likely to move during this 18-month window that Rahu crosses the 4th. Or they may purchase a vehicle, or travel a bit more than usual. During this transit, the workplace can seem less fulfilling and one may find themselves spending more time at home for some reason.

Rahu crossing over the 5th house/Ketu crossing the 11th:

Rahu is pointing to the 5th house that deals with managing all of the affairs of our life. So often when Ketu is crossing the 11th one has been too tied up in social circles or organizations of some sort. The 11th house represents groups and society, organizations, and universities. This transit shows the need to pay less attention to one’s social situation and more on handling their own affairs and getting their own life in order so that they can do what they love more easily.

Rahu traversing the 6th house/Ketu transiting the 12th:

This can be a time when the native needs to pay more attention to paying their bills and keeping up with debts and financial matters. Situations call for a need to pay more attention to the material side of life and less to the spiritual or pleasurable side of life when Ketu crosses the 12th house. A need to focus more on one’s health, diet, and daily routine can arise.

Rahu going through the 7th/Ketu crossing 1st:

A time to be more social and focus more on relationships. May want to just stay at home but really needs to “put themselves out there” more during this time. It may not pay off initially but later on after Rahu leaves this place, some of the friends, relationships, or business partners they made will end up developing into good things down the road. This transit can also lead to children and getting pregnant, depending on the situation. That’s definitely one way that one can find themselves needing to pay more attention to a relationship.

Rahu passing through the 8th/Ketu transiting 2nd:

Often can lead to a lot of “drama” or stressful and surprising situations during this transit. One may find themselves having to depend more on a marriage partner at this time. Money problems can come up. Vulnerabilities come up that need to be addressed.

Rahu navigating the 9th/Ketu crossing 3rd:

Time to let go of developing one’s own skills so much and instead help others develop theirs. Can feel more critical of others at this time. Can cause difficulty with parents and younger siblings. One’s talents and skills don’t seem to mean anything if they do not fit in with a greater purpose and applicability to life as a whole. This transit makes one focus more on the bigger picture. What purpose can one put their skills towards?

Rahu crossing the 10th/Ketu crossing the 4th:

Now is the time for action, and this period can also make one leave their home and move away. Often this is because of a need for achievement or a job opportunity, some 10th house factor. Moving location and changing jobs are very common at this time. More attention needs to be given to the career at this time.

Rahu passing through the 11th house/Ketu crossing the 5th:

This is a time to pay more attention to the groups one is involved in, and one may need to switch up their social circles. The 11th house represents impersonal groups that can validate us, so one may desire to go and get a degree in something from a university at this time. Or one may be doing the same work but want to reach out and connect to a social group or organization. One may have been “in their own world” and needs to put themselves out there more at this time.

Rahu crossing 12th/ Ketu in the 6th:

This is a time to relax more, take more vacations, and not be as focused on the material side of life. It is good to spend time by the ocean during this transit, or take vacations that involve water. One may start spending more at this time, and that can be an issue to watch out for if the chart speaks to that as well.

Hopefully you find these notes helpful as a guide through the houses, and rememeber to use the chart as well to see what potentialities will be triggered by these transits.

I taught a course on the Nodes recently, you can find that in the “Astrology Courses” section of this site.

The Nodes are a tricky and subtle energy, but without them, life just wouldn’t be the same.



A New Course On Rahu and Ketu

I recently taught a course on the Lunar Nodes in Astrology with Nadia Smirnova, and it is now edited and available for purchase. This is a 4 hour course, with a 1 hour introduction to the Rahu and Ketu from Nadia, for only $35. I think that is a great price, personally.  The real value of this course is all the examples we give. We read the charts of 12 students in the class, and as I read and interpret their node positions, you get real-time live feedback about them from the people who experienced it. This helps us all learn so much more quickly than working on a theoretical level of astrology. Seeing the principles applied over and over in a live setting really reinforces how they work for the student. Click this link below to see the details of the course:

Nadia is a very skilled Western Astrologer with an impressive science background, having been a nuclear physicist for the USSR. She explains the Lunar Nodes with really wonderful scientific diagrams that actually show you what is going on visually when eclipses happen, and how that impacts us. This is very helpful for giving your intuition a sort of visual framework to refer to when dealing with these concepts.  This first hour is an introduction for those who know nothing about the Lunar Nodes.

After the first hour, I then step in and cover the Lunar Nodes more in detail, their mythology, what they represent, what they point to, and how they frequently play out as they are placed in different signs. We sort of follow a pattern of explaining a point, then applying it to charts. Then we explain another point and apply that to another chart, and so on.

We cover:

  • Rahu and Ketu’s movements, what is actually happening visually
  • Rahu and Ketu’s formation and mythology
  • Rahu and Ketu in all of the signs
  • Rahu and Ketu in all of the houses
  • Rahu and Ketu conjunct all of the planets.
  • Rahu and Ketu as significators of Ancestral Karma
  • What Rahu and Ketu represent overall
  • How to interpret the past life indications that Ketu is showing, with over 12 example charts.
  • How to interpret the present life karmas that Rahu is pointing towards, with over 12 example charts.

    rahu shristi pic
    Painting of the mythological description of Rahu, by Shristi Wilhelm. See more of her work here