Over the last few months I have been making a free learning course on my youtube channel. This course is focusing on just one planet, Venus, and covering the avasthas of Venus. What are Avasthas? Avastha is a sanskrit word that can basically mean a “condition” or a “state” to be in. For example Krishna tells Arjuna in the Bhagavad Gita to act from the standpoint or mental state of yoga, or the “Yogavastha”. In the context of Jyotish, an avastha can show the various states of karmic well being a planet is in. These avasthas I cover are the ones specific to Parashara, the Lajjitaadi avasthas. Not to be confused with the deeptaadi, or balaadi, or jagradaadi avasthas. These Lajjitaadi Avasthas are described in ways such as “starved, shamed, proud.” As such, the implication is that they show a great deal of how we feel about that planet and what it is doing in our charts. So Venus can have good yogas for marriage and get one married. We all know that. But how do we determine how fulfilled various people will actually feel in their marriage? For this, the lajjitaadi avasthas are great.
So please enjoy this free series if you want to understand how Venus will feel in each of the various signs it falls in, and to grasp the deeper layers of what Venus represents in the natal chart.
This is a playlist, and be sure to check out the other videos I have on my youtube channel as well.
Thank u for these videos ! Like Ernst, you have a gift in teaching 🙂
Pretty! This has been an extremely wonderful article. Thanks for providing these details.