Tag Archives: mag nakshatra

Understanding Magha Nakshatra: Ancestral Karma and DNA Influence

The ancestral fathers are called the Pitris, and they rule Magha nakshatra. They pass down the most important gift, DNA. The ancestors paved the way for us to live, and in Vedic philosophy it is important to honor the ancestors, and even to do rituals for them. We are all descendants of great Gods or God-like beings according to Vedic teachings. 

The Sun and Mercury are currently in Magha nakshatra. I just put up a new video on Magha nakshatra for my patreon course. I came to find that Magha nakshatra is the star of ancestral karma. It is also the star of ancestral trauma, as that is a part of our karma. Magha is ruled by the Pitris, the ancestral forefathers. Magha thus speaks to all that we inherit from our forefathers. It is the nakshatra of DNA and the gifts or trauma that is passed down through our genetic line. This is actually the meaning of the word magha in sanskrit. It means a “gift”, or a “reward”, or a special boon inherited, that gives one authority. Magha natives will have some type of gift like this that they inherit.

Image of Ketu, the Graha that Rules Magha Nakshatra

Because the ancestors rule this star, natives of this star often have a more unique and pronounced type of ancestral karma. They have a more unique gift of power and authority that they bring along into this life. For this reason it is important to also study the lunar nodes Rahu and Ketu, the karakas of ancestral karma, in order to know more about the Magha ruled native. Magha nakshatra is thus a star of inherited talents and qualities.

“The gifts [maghāḥ] of the pitaraḥ (The Ancestors) are crying [rudantaḥ] from above and the fallen down [apabhraṁśaḥ] from below.”  – Taittireya Brahmana

It is actually the star of DNA, genetics, ancestral karma, ancestral blessings, and also even our ancestral trauma and epigenetics. Our ancestral trauma is what “demoralizes” us, cuts us down, and holds us back in life, like the above sutra states. Both the good and bad that we carry over from our parents is related to this star. And this is the secret of why Magha is a cruel and violent nakshatra, because it’s the star of our ancestral karma and the trauma that goes with it, which leads to our “wailing” (rudantah) and feeling cut down (apabrahmsah). There was a great saint who once said something to the effect that the purpose of our parents is not to make us perfect, but to mess us up. It’s the karmic job of our parents to limit us in the ways that we have limited our own selves in past lives.

And this is the deep side of Magha nakshatra, it speaks to the inhibitions and also the gifts and power that is karmically passed on to the son from the ancestral fathers. Our parents inhibit us in so many ways, and it is unique with each person. This is all part of what is needed for the child to work out its karma. But when you think about it, it’s all based on limitation. In this sense our relationship with our parents, even if they are the best people on earth, is really a “cruel” type of relationship. This is especially true of our relationship with our Father. Our Father is really our first source of authority in life, and therefore the first limiting and demoralizing figure in our life.

(There is much more that I share in the course, this is an excerpt from the course manual…)

This class on Magha nakshatra is currently 1.5 hrs long, and I want to add one more example video to it using mundane astrology examples. For natal chart examples I use Donald Glover, Donald Trump, Bill Gates, Kim Catrell, Dave Chappelle, Bill Burr, BV Raman, and Yogananda.

The example video was actually removed from youtube! I guess I got too real. First time I ever had a youtube video removed, and I have said a lot of crazy things on that channel! I uploaded it to the patreon page so it can be viewed there in entirety for eye of the veda patrons. The class and all my courses can be found here https://www.patreon.com/eyeoftheveda

I decided to upload the first part to my rumble channel, which you can watch below, just because I dont like censorship in any form. Youtube removing it makes me want to share it even more. I may upload both parts here to rumble eventually.