Unlock Your Potential With Vedic Astrological Life Coaching

Discover a unique approach to personal development through Vedic Astrological Life Coaching, which combines ancient yogic wisdom with modern psychology. Unlike typical life coaching that often relies on blind encouragement, which can be provided for free by memes in our modern era; Vedic Astrological Life Coaching offers deeper self-knowledge and wisdom for effective guidance in addressing life’s challenges.

Key Differences

While standard life coaching may lack substance beyond good intentions, Vedic Astrological Life Coaching draws on an ancient framework for unbiased problem-solving. It emphasizes a thorough assessment of personal strengths and weaknesses and provides tailored advice for improvement.

Modalities Used

My coaching approach is unique in that it leverages over 15 years of experience in Kriya Yoga and Vedic Astrology. I also draw heavily from Adlerian Psychology, Jungian Psychology, Yogic Meditation, Ayurveda, Various schools of face and body reading, naturopathy, homeopathy, Human Design, Herbalism, and more. I use what I have found to work in my personal experience and with my clients over the years, and this is entirely unique and catered to the individual and their karma. This is what makes this form of life coaching so much more effective.

Corey at the Ganga in Rishikesh

Coaching Structure

The program consists of a one-month package that includes:

  • 4 coaching sessions (1.5 hours each). We meet once a week for one month. (Option to skip a week or two and turn it into 1.5 months is fine too. Sometimes you need more time to integrate it all. Im flexible here.)
  • Customized remedial measures following each session.
  • Access to communication via WhatsApp/Telegram/Signal for ongoing support (10 AM – 3 PM EST).
  • Recordings of sessions for review.
  • Flexible scheduling options.

Fee: $1,108 USD for a one-month package. If this is too high, consider the “life reading” options for a one-time astrology reading available for $199usd. Interested individuals can reach out to me at corey@eyeoftheveda.com

I am only able to offer this service to a limited number of clients at this time, so please provide your birth information so that I may look at your chart and see if we will work well in this capacity. All I need is your birth date, time, and location.

If you would like to see how I work as an astrologer, and get a feel for me, check out my youtube channel.

Understanding Magha Nakshatra: Ancestral Karma and DNA Influence

The ancestral fathers are called the Pitris, and they rule Magha nakshatra. They pass down the most important gift, DNA. The ancestors paved the way for us to live, and in Vedic philosophy it is important to honor the ancestors, and even to do rituals for them. We are all descendants of great Gods or God-like beings according to Vedic teachings. 

The Sun and Mercury are currently in Magha nakshatra. I just put up a new video on Magha nakshatra for my patreon course. I came to find that Magha nakshatra is the star of ancestral karma. It is also the star of ancestral trauma, as that is a part of our karma. Magha is ruled by the Pitris, the ancestral forefathers. Magha thus speaks to all that we inherit from our forefathers. It is the nakshatra of DNA and the gifts or trauma that is passed down through our genetic line. This is actually the meaning of the word magha in sanskrit. It means a “gift”, or a “reward”, or a special boon inherited, that gives one authority. Magha natives will have some type of gift like this that they inherit.

Image of Ketu, the Graha that Rules Magha Nakshatra

Because the ancestors rule this star, natives of this star often have a more unique and pronounced type of ancestral karma. They have a more unique gift of power and authority that they bring along into this life. For this reason it is important to also study the lunar nodes Rahu and Ketu, the karakas of ancestral karma, in order to know more about the Magha ruled native. Magha nakshatra is thus a star of inherited talents and qualities.

“The gifts [maghāḥ] of the pitaraḥ (The Ancestors) are crying [rudantaḥ] from above and the fallen down [apabhraṁśaḥ] from below.”  – Taittireya Brahmana

It is actually the star of DNA, genetics, ancestral karma, ancestral blessings, and also even our ancestral trauma and epigenetics. Our ancestral trauma is what “demoralizes” us, cuts us down, and holds us back in life, like the above sutra states. Both the good and bad that we carry over from our parents is related to this star. And this is the secret of why Magha is a cruel and violent nakshatra, because it’s the star of our ancestral karma and the trauma that goes with it, which leads to our “wailing” (rudantah) and feeling cut down (apabrahmsah). There was a great saint who once said something to the effect that the purpose of our parents is not to make us perfect, but to mess us up. It’s the karmic job of our parents to limit us in the ways that we have limited our own selves in past lives.

And this is the deep side of Magha nakshatra, it speaks to the inhibitions and also the gifts and power that is karmically passed on to the son from the ancestral fathers. Our parents inhibit us in so many ways, and it is unique with each person. This is all part of what is needed for the child to work out its karma. But when you think about it, it’s all based on limitation. In this sense our relationship with our parents, even if they are the best people on earth, is really a “cruel” type of relationship. This is especially true of our relationship with our Father. Our Father is really our first source of authority in life, and therefore the first limiting and demoralizing figure in our life.

(There is much more that I share in the course, this is an excerpt from the course manual…)

This class on Magha nakshatra is currently 1.5 hrs long, and I want to add one more example video to it using mundane astrology examples. For natal chart examples I use Donald Glover, Donald Trump, Bill Gates, Kim Catrell, Dave Chappelle, Bill Burr, BV Raman, and Yogananda.

The example video was actually removed from youtube! I guess I got too real. First time I ever had a youtube video removed, and I have said a lot of crazy things on that channel! I uploaded it to the patreon page so it can be viewed there in entirety for eye of the veda patrons. The class and all my courses can be found here https://www.patreon.com/eyeoftheveda

I decided to upload the first part to my rumble channel, which you can watch below, just because I dont like censorship in any form. Youtube removing it makes me want to share it even more. I may upload both parts here to rumble eventually.

Pandemics And Predictions With Corey Dowds: An Interview With The Vedic Astrology Podcast

Shukra (Venus). Guru of the Asuras.

Back in January of 2022, during the Venus retrograde in Capricorn, I had the pleasure of being interviewed by Fiona Marques on The Vedic Astrology Podcast. We talked about pandemics and what it is like to be an astrologer that gives predictions. While both Jupiter and Venus are Brahmin planets that can make one an astrologer, it is Venus that is the planet that makes one a predictive astrologer, at least in Vedic Astrology. The Rishi Jaimini highlights Venus as the planet of “knowing prophecy” in his Upadesa Sutras. I found it interesting that I was invited to speak on this topic of predictions while Venus was retrograding over my own natal Venus in Capricorn.

I will link to the interview on Spotify below. Fiona wrote a lovely little intro about it here:

“Cast your mind back to the Solar Eclipse on 26 December 2019 – What goes on inside an Astrologer when they are making a prediction? And how can we get better at it?? It’s not often that you find an Astrologer who is public with their predictions AND one who is open and willing to share their self-reflection and learnings from the process. And this is what we have in today’s special guest, Predictive Astrologer and Teacher, Corey Dowds. In this episode, he selflessly shares his approach, tips, techniques, and understandings of predicting in Vedic Astrology. We examine a case study that you can follow along with us and consult the transcript for even more links and deeper research. We cover rashi aspects, financial astrology, pandemics, nakshatras, the bhava lagna and more. You can also learn from Corey at https://eye-of-the-veda-university.teachable.com/

Click here for the interview:


Traveling India – 2023 Part 1

Eye Of The Veda has been living and traveling throughout India over the winter and spring of 2023 and want to share some thoughts, pictures, videos, etc. I was in maharashtra first. Maharashtra is filled with legendary saints and spiritual masters. I was fortunate to get to visit some holy sites. One of the maharashtra highlights was being able to visit the exact cave that Shirdi Sai Baba used to meditate in, and the one that he got God-realized in. The energy there was profound. I was also able to visit the valley of the saints, where over 700 sufi saints have lived, including the perfect master that gave God-realization to Sai Baba, Zarzari Zar Baksh.

Pune – Birthplace of Avatar Meher Baba

In Pune I got to visit the ancient Pataleshwar Cave temple, dedicated to Lord Shiva, as well as the childhood home of Avatar Meher Baba. That would be equatable to getting to visit the home of the Buddha less than a century after he passed away. Its quite a fortunate thing! Meher Baba’s childhood neighborhood is still left much the same as it was when he lived there. In general Poona is a great city. I would consider it one of the most livable cities in India.

Here are some pictures and videos from my time in Pune.

An image hung above Meher Baba’s childhood home reads “Real Happiness lies in making others happy.”

Right when I was starting to burn up waiting out in front of Baba’s house, this guy came out of nowhere. Baba’s grace!
Outside Pataleshwar cave we noticed a rickshaw driver who was also a Baba lover.

We had to stop and say hi! Jai Baba!

Pataleshwar Cave Temple

Pataleshwar cave temple is interesting because the city of Pune has grown up around it over the years. It is right in the middle of the city, but down in the cave it has an incredibly peaceful feeling permeating it, and was very suitable for meditation. The temple is right near the home of Meher Baba, and he used to go and meditate there as a youth. I had a profoundly amazing meditation there, and the prasad was unbelievable. You must stop by this temple if you are ever there. I love how peaceful it is down in the cave even though one is surrounded by a very noisy city environment.

A very holy banyan tree at the entrance to pataleshwar cave. The snakes love these trees.

Here is a Youtube video I made while here in Pune as well.

Ive also been updating the astrology and yogic philosophy course with a lot of new videos as well. Recently I covered a set of videos on the grahas as karakas. These vids show how the seven classical planets bring into our lives and essentially produce all the different people that we have relationships with in life. That course can be found here and you can also now take the nakshatra course along with it for the same price. https://eye-of-the-veda-university.teachable.com/p/vedic-astrology-and-yogic-philosophy

Here is another video I filmed that morning.

On Mrigashira or Invaka (From The Nakshatra Course)

I am currently teaching a course on the vedic nakshatras and I thought I would share a video from it here on the topic of Mrigashira, the star of searching. If you would like to know more about the vedic mythology and the legends that surround this star, see the video below. Currently this lunar mansion falls between 15* – 28* Gemini in the tropical zodiac. Nakshatras are not locked into the rashis. This is commonly taught on wikipedia and other pop culture sources, but the truth is much more complex. The nakshatras are actually behind the 12 signs of the zodiac. The Nakshatras are the star fields that are behind the ecliptic, and over the ages they drift through different signs, so 3,000 years ago, Invaka would not have fallen in the Gemini rashi, just to be clear. This Nakshatra course aims to remove sign embellishments. These zodiac sign qualities are often overlayed onto the nakshatras, likely due to a lack of understanding of the difference between nakshatras and rashis.

The reason brahma is always depicted with four heads is related to this star. He continually recites the four vedas as a penance for what we describe in the video below.

Mrigashira means “the head of the deer” and is the name for the 3rd or 5th nakshatra, depending on whether we are counting from Krittika or Ashwini. (I explain elsewhere in the course why Krittika is the real first nakshatra). This head of the deer idea comes directly from the myth of Shiva decapitating Brahma and throwing his head into the sky, as I explain in this video.

It’s more ancient name is “InvakA” with a long a sound at the end, like the “a” in “father”. Invaka means “a gentle request”. It refers to a gentle entreaty, whisper, or supplication. It can also refer to a softly sung prayer. Its symbol is a deer, and its nature is “gentle and soft”, so we see a theme occurring already.

The Taittireya Brahmana, The Key Authority On Nakshatra

The Taittirey Brahmana is a very important text, appended to the Yajur Veda. This is the best ancient authority on the nakshatras that is available. The sutra on Mrigashira in the Taiitireya Brahmana translates as follows:

“The diminutive pervadings [invakā] of soma (Moon) are diffusions [vitatāni] from above and weaving [vayantaḥ] from below.”

This also hints at the gentle, diffusing, weaving, and intermingling nature of this star. Invaka is a big star of networking, intermingling, socializing, social media, influencers, searching, hunting, as well as the “fear of missing out”. Soma Deva is the lord of this star. Invaka deals with searching out the little bits of Soma that are diffused throughout creation. Why is that so? Who is this Soma? What does this word refer to? In this excerpt I explain how it all connects through the mythology and legends around this star.

Nakshatra Course Now On Teachable

See this link below to take the course. Im currently offering the Nakshatra course along with the Jyotish and Yogic Philosophy Course for the price of one, $27 USD/month.


Nakshatra Course! Learn To Harmonize With Nature

Varuna, one of the prime vedic Gods, who is said to have placed the nakshatras in their proper order, for the intention of regulating dharma and "rtam" or cosmic law and order.

Im currently teaching an ongoing Nakshatra course. Nakshatra is the sanskrit name for the 27 star fields of Vedic Astrology. That is to say that behind the 12 signs of the solar zodiac, we have another zodiac, a lunar zodiac, which is not well known, but very important. These are the 27 nakshatras, or lunar mansions of the Moon. The Moon takes about 27 days to go around the zodiac, stopping at one of these stars each night. It does in one month what the Sun does in a year. Thus we have the Solar division of 12 signs, along with a lunar division of 27 signs, and we layer these in together. Its like the big hand and the little hand on the clock, both are important if you want to know the exact time.

Each star is thought to have its own “shakti” or energy that the Moon touches and uses to grow life on the planet. By knowing these different shaktis of the nakshatras, we can learn to do things and plan events in a way that is more in harmony with nature. For example, if the shakti is “cruel and violent” for that day, it might be a good day for having surgery, or tearing down a dilapidated house, but might be a very bad type of energy for going on a first date with a girl you really like. However if the shakti for the day is “soft and gentle”, the opposite would be the case.

This intelligent cooperation with nature was and still is a big part of the Yogic lifestyle. This is where Vedic Astrology comes in, and why the Yogis called Astrology the “Eye of the Veda”.

To learn how to live in harmony with nature, we must study nature. Thats what the study of Astrology is all about. Learning to see how life is communicating. Many of us know the 12 signs, but know next to nothing about the 27 nakshatras. This nakshatra course aims to remedy that.

This course goes deeply into the mythology of ancient India, which is crucial for having a clear grasp on these stars, as they are intertwined with the deities and legends of the Vedic world. But we do not just leave it in the realm of philosophy. The aim of these classes is to show how to practically apply the same principles into modern day life and counseling. Techniques are taught on how to interpret nakshatras in the context of natal charts, prashna (horary), muhurta (electional astrology), Financial Astrology, Medical Astrology, and more. So one does not just walk away from the course only knowing how to apply naksatras to birth charts.

This course is currently being taught on teachable at my online school, and you can take it and the jyotish course for the price of one. See the bundle option if that interests you:


There are video lectures for each of the 27 nakshatras with numerous examples of how to see and use the techniques given, not just one or two examples and then moving on. As the course unfolds, I show how various techniques are layered in to synthesize Nakshatras into a great reading.

And here is an example video from the course that I shared on my youtube channel. Feel free to check out my other videos to get a feel for how I work

Aquarius – The Maker Of Tanks, Ponds, And Things Related To Shores

The Sun is now in Aquarius, and it got me thinking. Aquarius is the sign of being involved in making “tanks, ponds, and things related to shores” according to the Rishi Jaimini’s Upadesa sutras. Aquarius rules Islands, this is one way we can see it. It also rules people that live and work around Islands or “shores” in some way. People that live or work on boats, or near the water often do have prominent placements in this sign. Even the pro-surfer Kelly Slater has his sun in Aquarius, and he has made his living from the shore. I am a surfer, and I have noticed a lot of the people that hang around my funky beach town in Charleston, South Carolina have more placements here than average.

What does this concept of “things related to shores” symbolize? I think one aspect of it is that Jaimini is hinting at how Aquarius rules fringe groups and underground cultures, especially ones that promote new ideas or new things. In the old days, new and far away things came from the shore, like a ship bringing spices from a distant, exotic land. Aquarius is a dreamer, sitting or standing in the shore, dreaming about what the sea might bring them.

Aquarius rules progressive or underground movements, like being a Yogi in Los Angeles in the 40s, or being a surfer in the 70s, or an environmentalist in the 80s, or a skateboarder in the 90s and 2000s. Why is that? It rules these fringe groups because that’s what the shore is, the shore is the “fringe” or outermost edge of the world. That’s what the water bearer is really about, being away from the center of the world (which is symbolized by the opposite sign, Leo). Aquarius is at the very edge of the world, not at all at the center. If there was any further part that could get Aquarius further from the world, Aquarius would probably be involved with that thing too. The water bearer is the sign of enjoying the world, working to make it more bearable, but eventually detaching from and moving beyond it. Aquarius is done with the world. Aquarius is starting to turn away from the world and beginning to look out to the vast infinite sea. This is why it rules the shores and things related to them, because they are the outermost edge that one can stand on before being fully immersed in the sea, symbolizing spiritual enlightenment, and the next sign of Pisces.

So Aquarius is the last stage, just before one is fully enlightened or “in the sea” of Pisces. Pisces is like heaven, the work is mostly already done at this point, but Aquarius is that last bit of psychological work we all must do to turn ourselves away from the maya of the world, and towards the “sea” of truth. The water bearer is ruled by Saturn, a planet that has a ring around it, again hinting at this separated, detached, fringe-like quality that Saturn is comfortable with. Saturn is also the furthest light we can see with the naked eye, again symbolizing being at the fringe of reality, being “out there” as Aquarians are often described. (How the ancients knew that Saturn was the furthest of the planets is another mystery!)

I also talk a little bit about this theme of “things related to shores” in this video on Aquarius as the sign of skateboarders and surfers:

To learn more fundamentals of Astrology, check out the ongoing Jyotish and Yogic philosophy course at my new online school: https://eye-of-the-veda-university.teachable.com/

Financial Astrology and Cryptocurrency Class 9: Rahu and Ketu As Obstacles To Abundance

Class 9 in the ongoing Financial Astrology and Cryptocurrency course is now available at the Eye of the Veda University over on teachable! Rahu and Ketu are the main karmic obstacles to our abundance in life. They are like the highest karmic ceiling for the native or chart in question. Understanding them is crucial to any branch of astrology, and this class covers them in the financial context.

I just started this, so I will be adding a lot more classes to it as the year unfolds, and will also be doing a subscription based service. But for now, I have the most recent class I taught on Financial Astrology and Cryptocurrency. Check it out here!


This class is $27 and is almost 2 hours long, and comes with 2 manuals. One manual that comes with any of the Financial Astrology classes, and another manual specifically focused on Rahu and Ketu and how to read them. You also get access to the telegram group, to ask questions and share insights with other students and finanncial astrologers!

I have many more classes and courses planned for 2022, and I hope to see you over on teachable!

Mythological Image of Ketu, the Headless Deity

Eye Of The Veda 2022 Updates

Here I will give some updates on Eye of the Veda and what I have been up to, as well as what I am planning for 2022. First off, my site got hacked! Oh no! I lost some of the posts for all the courses I have taught since June of 2021. It was annoying to say the least, but now I am motivated to start building up a more legitimate school and to teach a lot more in 2022. Eye of the Veda is now moving everything over to teachable.com and will be starting the Eye of the Veda University. This will be where I formally teach new students Astrology, Meditation, and other topics. I will even be able to give out certificates for students that complete courses, which appeals to me because in the jyotish tradition there is a big emphasis on the teacher/student relationship. In Jyotish you can be given scrolls by your teacher showing that you have mastered certain skills. So I like that we can work towards that as well, and teaching with a more structured approach. I can teach all kinds of classes and they can be bought individually, or thru a subscription service. Be on the lookout for more updates and future courses through teachable. Follow my telegram to get all the updates, free of big tech censorship https://t.me/eyeoftheveda Check out the youtube as well for more updates www.youtube.com/eyeoftheveda

I am still offering readings, and they have been going great, all is well there. I plan to teach a jyotish and yoga philosophy course from the ground up, as well as more financial astrology, a nakshatra course, and rahu and ketu courses. For now you can still order any of the financial astrology courses, but just send me an email if interested, because I dont officially have those posted anywhere at the moment. When the teachable is complete they will be available there.

I am almost done editing my book, which is called Astrologically Understanding Movies. It is a book about how all the best myths, movies and stories of any sort follow the same patterns as Astrology and the zodiac. Ive finished writing it and just need to edit and publish it, so I hope to get this done in 2022.

So the main focus for Eye of the Veda in 2022 will be teaching and building the Eye of the Veda University, as well as getting my book out. Stay tuned for more!

Join My Vedic Astrology Study Group And Learn Jyotish! First Zoom Class Is June 17th, 2021!

Im so excited to finally start teaching vedic astrology in a series of ongoing zoom classes! Jyotish was meant to be learned orally, in a personal way. It was meant to be learned with a teacher one can ask questions to. These study groups will be able to afford astrology students that luxury, and for an affordable price. For years I have done one on one tutoring with serious students, but these days I dont have as much time to do that. This way I can teach a number of students orally and at a personal level, and actually make it even cheaper for the students in the long run.

These will be an ongoing series of classes (Lord willing) and each class will build upon the previous ones, so it will be best to start with the first class and work your way through them, even if you are joining way after this first class, which will be the case for most students.

Many astrologers who have studied for years will still find these beginning classes to be very crucial, as even the foundations of jyotish are often misunderstood in today’s day. Without the input of a more experienced teacher one can waddle around for years trying to sort out or make any sense of astrology, and the internet often makes it even more confusing. Astrology was always meant to be studied with a teacher. It does not mean they have to take you by the hand, but they can certainly speed up your learning process.


The first class will be June 17th, 2021, at 11:15 AM, EDT time. If you are not able to attend the live class you will still get a copy of the recording and any relevant pdfs, links, or other material the rest of the class gets.

Each class will be 1.5-2 hrs long, and will start with a new lesson, technique, or principle. Then we will practice them and I will share examples and answer questions on it. Then we take a short 5 minute break, and return with another technique or principle, and open the floor up for a Q and A style dialogue.

This first class will be focused on how to reach a birth chart itself, and what each component of the birth chart is used for. So we will touch on signs, houses, grahas, and many basic terms one will come across, and what they mean in plain english, and where they fit into reading charts, what they are used for, etc.

To Join The Group:

All you have to do to join the group is make the payment as directed below, and then send me an email to corey@eyeoftheveda.com and title it “Jyotish Study Group”, and tell me which method you paid with. This way I have your email address and will have it on the list of invites to send out when the zoom class begins. Then about 10 minutes before class starts you can expect to get a zoom invite to our class, and you are good to go.

Fee: $19 USD, if paying through Paypal, $15 USD if paying thru Venmo, or $10 if paying with cryptocurrency.

Paying with Paypal or Venmo:

If paying with paypal simply click this link below, and follow the steps provided. When that goes through you are on the list!


If paying with Venmo, just send money to this address, and if it asks for my phone number just press the “skip” button, I dont know why they ask that because its not required.

Venmo: CoreyDowds1

Paying with Crypto: This is preferred so I offer a small discount for that option, and it also enables anyone on the planet to be able to purchase these classes. The easiest way to pay with crypto is if you have coinbase. (If you dont have that just scroll further down.)

Coinbase Users: If you use your desktop coinbase exchange account, you can now send me coins instantly with no fee, and to send it to me all you need is my email. The email to send to is coreydowds@gmail.com, and thats all you need to have. This is done internally through coinbase and doesnt even require the blockchain so its also instant, and thats why it requires no fee. You can send any of the top coins on coinbase at that time. You cannot send me partial payments in different coins. Just send me it all in one coin.

Coinbase email: Coreydowds@gmail.com

The other option is to send crypto to one of my wallet addresses listed below. Then all you have to do is send me an email letting me know which coin you paid with, and first few letters of the address. Then I will have you on the lineup. As long as I have an email from you I will have somewhere to send the zoom invite, and you will get the class link just 10 minutes before it starts.

Crypto Wallet Address (For Non-Coinbase Users simple wallet to wallet transfer)

Send crypto to one of the wallet addresses I list below, and then when you write me your email, mention what coin you paid with and give the first couple digits of the crypto wallet address. That way I know it was you. When that goes through you are on the lineup and can expect a zoom invite link just 10 minutes before the class.

BITCOIN ADDRESS: bc1q5hymjshyquel6x03yk924qyfh8pf0f3kzmzpz7

ETHEREUM ADDRESS: 0x5B23AAd2Ea4CD16282E0E587E32f669922E5bbA9

LITECOIN ADDRESS: ltc1q4xrhl5n004wlj5fzfj5223z5898xwth7ty987a

Stellar (XLM) ADDRESS:


NOTE: If you have any questions about this, feel free to send me an email. The crypto payment can be daunting for first time users so just send cash if you are not comfortable with it, and I am not a tech expert and wont have time to answer questions about that aspect of this. But it is there as an option.

(I am getting a lot of emails about this service and am trying to streamline it as much as possible. All you have to do is make the payment, include your email address in the note, and you can be sure you will be on the list. So if I dont get time to write you back or anything, just know that you will be on there if you follow the protocol and I look forward to seeing you there!!!)